You know that feeling you have when you first fall in love? You're happy, you can't stop thinking about it, you can't wait to be with the person again, and when you're with them you lose track of time, and you don't care if you ever eat or sleep again, you seriously have to force yourself to pull away and go to the restroom.
This is the feeling I get when I am painting something I love! Right now I am so so in love with my latest oil painting project. You see I have this thing with Vera Bradley (and don't pretend that you don't because it is all fabulous!). So I've chosen my ten all time favorite fabrics, and I'm painting them. Why ten? That's the number of canvases that came in the package, but I could very well do two more to make it an even dozen. This is also a really good way to keep myself from having that feeling that the world is going to end if I don't get just one little piece of all the ones I like. They will be forever immortalized and hanging on the wall. (Just which wall? Looks like I'm going to have to start hanging them from the ground up!)
what a neat project!!! can't wait to see them ... it'll be fab!