
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The past several months I have become completely obsessed with learning more about how to read people. It all started with watching the show Lie to Me & Sherlock, which then led me to do some research, and I have been reading Joe Navarro's What Every Body is Saying. You know how people always talk about how uncanny female intuition is... Well it isn't really intuition, it is your limbic system. Since Jon & I got married I can't tell you how many times after visiting people he has asked me questions like, "What did you really get from that?"

I've asked myself many times, am I crazy, why is it that I seem to pick up on things about people? What is it that I'm seeing that is causing me to be able to make assessments about people? We all do it, some of us do it to a greater degree than others, but we all form opinions about other people. It's part of our survival insticts, which aren't just "Fight or Flight" (they are actually Freeze, Flight, & as a last alternative we Fight). Our brains are so unbelievably complex. I'm thinking, typing, breathing, smelling, hearing, and at the same time I'm tuned in to what all is going on in my house at the same time. I am also always on the alert for things that aren't ordinary, or would indicate a problem. As soon as someone becomes a parent, I think these instincts kick into overdrive, not only are you constantly aware of your own well being, but that of a child (How is it that children seem to come with an endless capacity to get themselves in danger?) I've really been enjoying learning more clues about what people are REALLY feeling. While people might believe they are good at lying, their bodies are saying something different. We may be able to control our eyes and our voice, but not even realize what we are doing with our feet or how we are knodding our head in contradiction to what we are saying.

We should all make a life long commitment to learning or trying new & different things. This is my latest gig. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. oooh, neat! i bet you're fantastic at this. :) i'll just stick to reading shoes and purses .. ha!


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