Today's blog is about nuns. How I came to this is simple. I had to drive through the St. Michael's rehab road after dropping Mom off at Orr Hyundai to get her car. I looked up at the street sign, and it read Mary Hermann Joseph. Suddenly I found myself thinking.... How do they come up with those names. I get the Mary bit but of all things Herman Joseph? After giving it some thought I decided that if I were a nun I'd be Sister Mary Merlin Nezbit the Merlin Nezbit comes from Mom and Dad's cat, and he's black and white kinda like a nun habit.
Growing up Baptist, and now being a Presbyterian, I've always had a bit of a fascination with nuns thanks to one of my favorite movies The Trouble With Angels. I thought Sister Mary Constance was so pretty, but the Mother Superior was a real drag. Seriously all the girls wanted to do was have a little fun, and she was so down on them. It was the 1960's so what if they wanted to smoke, Who didn't? I'm not so sure the Surgeon General even existed yet. No, I don't smoke, I think it is disgusting, and I know what it does to your lungs. But no one knew all this back then, so I'm pretty sure I would have tried to smoke with one of those long cigarette holders like Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's (also another one of my faves).
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