There was once a time when the thought of a new swimsuit was just beyond delightful and exciting. I couldn't wait to go to the beach, the country club, the neighbors, the wading pool in the back yard, or even the sprinkler. You name it, I loved swimsuits. My favorite one when I was a little girl was red plaid with really frilly ruffles around the neck and down the back. If my memory serves me correctly it also had a cute bow above the butt.
Every spring the Victoria's Secret magazine arrives, and it is always closely followed by the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Somehow my old love of bathing attire has vanished. So this brings me to the point of today's blog...
Can we talk about your swimsuit? I'd like to give everyone out there a couple tips. Unless you are under 120 lbs. white and stringy should not be in the picture. If you've blown out the candles on more than a quarter of a century then throw the Victoria's Secret away and reach for a copy of Lands End or one of those Sam's Club black one piece Speedo swimsuits. However, should you decide to throw caution to the wind then head on down to Destin, Florida where you can see more than you wanted to see, and you can show more than anyone wants you to show.
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3 weeks ago
OMG I DREAD swimsuit season now more than ever! we are goin on a cruise june 20-28th w/ mom, dad, my brother & sis-in-law & yes, shelby is goin! so..i've got till then to at least look non-mutant-like by then! and find shelby the most adorable swimsuit ever by then as well! i had no idea u had a blog! i'm sooo addin u to my "blogs i like "list :) how r ya'll? i had to text ur mom yesterday for a prescription