We all have one or two or maybe a dozen of those drawers that are scary to open because you never know... something just might jump out and bite you! For some reason as OCD as I am I have always kept the top drawer of my nightstand like a rat's nest. You're thinking... it's only one drawer how bad could it be? Well you're looking at exibit A... I decided it was time to fix this situation once and for all. I got one of those really cool adjustable pop up drawer organizers from Wally's-Mo's (Wal-Mart), and I am pleased to report that the situation is now completely under control. There is a section for the cough drops, the ink pens (by the way could someone explain to me why I have this thing for ink pens?), the Gameboy, oh and let's not forget the 12 sticks of chap stick that I've bought over and over because I couldn't find the stuff. I shredded what needed to be shredded, and I parted with the two toothpicks, the twisty tie, and whatever else was in there that didn't make any sense. The only money I discovered doing all of this was 1 penny. It is now tucked into my little piggy bank waiting for more friends to come join it. I would have to say that my happiest discovery on this cleaning escapade (besides the fact that there is a bottom to the drawer) was my sterling silver tennis racquet Tiffany & Co. Ink pen that my Mom gave me for Christmas right after I turned 16. Ten years, I'd have to say that is the longest I have ever kept up with a single ink pen. I was really worried about 3 months ago when I thought I had lost it, but happy day that which was lost is now found, and it is enjoying it's new and improved pen section :)
love this!!!! i have one of those drawers too ... but i haven't been brave enough to conquer it yet! and i totally share your pen addiction ... except mine is for sharpies. :)