Now all I gotta do is get a hold of the head people at Burberry, and get them to love it as much as I know everyone else would. I'm thinkin there just isn't enough Nova Check in the world, and if you left it up to me there never would be. I'm thinking about my bathroom. I've had the same shower curtain up for the past 5 years, and this morning I decided it would be the coolest to be like Tinker Bell and turn it Nova Check. I'd also like for the little curtain on my bathroom window to make this transformation. Hmmmmmm...... I'm going to let this little idea simmer some. It would look great with my bathroom wall which is a bunch of butcher paper put up in torn pieces with wallpaper glue by the previous owner (who happens to be the head hancho at our local pier 1). I thought about ditching it at first, and then it kinda grew on me, and I decided it's kinda cool and different.
love this idea!!!!! (and the butcher paper!) :)