Pupitre- if you were in Senor Houff's Spanish class at PG, then you know what it is without me telling you, but for the no habla espanol group out there it means "a student desk." I bought this baby for a whopping $5 at the Salvation Army one day. At the time I really had no idea what in the world I would do with it, but I thought... When I was a kid I would have killed for one of these things to play with because I was one of those kids that wanted to play with the real stuff (I swiped countless syringes (needle less of course), tongue blades, and band aids from Dad's office to play doctor) I had a real typewriter to play office (which is actually what I first learned to type on), and of course there was everything in the kitchen to play grocery store. I'm almost certain that the one thing missing that would have made my childhood fantasies come true would be a real school desk. For $5 how could I pass it up? At the very least I could keep it for when we have kids one day. However, this week I have found a spot in the corner of the living room, and have set it up for me to be able to do art and watch TV at the same time. As with any new piece of furniture it has created quite a stir among the feline/canine members of the family.
I love it! I don't think I would have been able to pass it up either. I always liked to play with the real stuff too. I had leftover cow syringes (unused, plastic, no needles) from when my grandparent's had cattle, played store with my dad's adding machine calculator with the receipt tape, and we had a big chalkboard for playing school, I would have killed for a real school desk! ;)