Girl, I do not know what my Mama was thinkin' when she went to get her toenails did, and had them paint 'em YELLOW! So Wednesday I pull up at my Mama's house, and she comes walking out to ask me what do I think about her new pedicure. My thoughts went something like this, "Oh gosh, they look like they have a bad fungus or something, gag, why on earth did she pick that color, what am I going to tell her?" I really don't like to be mean and hurt peoples' feelings, so I just knodded and said, "They're ok." That was it, discussion over.
Fast forward about 3 or 4 hours later. Mom- "My toenails are bothering me. I think I messed up. They look really bad." Me- "They're pretty awful, it looks like you have a fungus and your toenails are rotting off." Mom- "I look like someone with cerrhosis of the liver!" Me- "Why on earth did you pick that color?" Mom-"Seriously since last November I have wanted to paint my toenails yellow or chartreuse. I don't know why, but you know how it is when you get something in your mind, and you just can't leave it alone. I guess I was going for the Shrek look or something." Me-"Shrek is not exactly a fashion icon."
Then she took a picture on her phone and sent it to her sisters and my sister. Well Jordan calls, and has no problem off the bat telling her they look disgusting, and go change it. In our family, if you want an HONEST opinion about how you or something you are wearing looks you ask Jordan. She never steers you wrong, and because of the brutal honesty she has expressed towards me in the past, I have no problem with telling her what I really think. However, she is probably the only person in the world that I can say mean stuff like that to. She recently sent some pictures of herself and Josh in an e-mail, and my first reaction was to pick up the phone and tell her to ditch the skirt she was wearing, and here's the awesome thing she replied, "I'm putting it in the Goodwill bag right now, although I don't think anyone else should make the same mistake of wearing it." Don't you love that!
Anyways the story has a very happy ending, Mom went, and had her polish changed to a beautiful shade of red, with a really cute tulip on her big toes. :)